Isn't It Time We Talk?

Isn't It Time We Talk? materials and campaign are dedicated to helping families talk about their preferences for health care treatment in the future and make written plans that will be honored by their families and health care providers.

Family Guidebook
Isn't It Time We Talk? - A Family Guide to Health Care Decision Making, newly revised and updated, is a workbook designed to guide you to think about and record your thoughts as you consider health care at different stages of your life. Ultimately, this planning guide is about your voice being heard and your choices being honored. The process is referred to as "Advance Care Planning."

Click here to preview a copy of the Isn't It Time We Talk? guidebook. Click here to purchase copies.

Isn't It Time We Talk? - Helping Families Plan Ahead for Their Health Care has been newly revised and updated to provide you and your communities with an introduction to the process and importance of advance care planning.

Click here to preview a copy of the Isn't It Time We Talk? brochure. Click here to purchase copies.

Myths of Advance Care Planning
People don’t usually consider getting married, buying a house, or retiring without a detailed plan in place, yet many of us approach aging, illness, and death without having made even basic decisions—called advance care planning—ahead of time.

One reason is that there are so many misconceptions surrounding this highly charged issue. So what are some of these myths, and what is the reality?

Click here to download a copy of "Consider the Myths".

Facts about Advance Care Planning
We say it's important. We say that we have certain preferences and that it's important to put our wishes in writing. But what do the statistics tell us?

Click here to download a copy of "Consider the Facts".

Comparison Charts for Advance Directives & Medical Orders
Click here to download a copy of the NC Comparison Chart.

Click here to download a copy of the SC Comparison Chart.

For more information about advance care planning, go to the Advance Care Planning section of Resources on this website; email us at [email protected]; or call us at 800.662.8859.